歡迎諮詢比價 多謝關照推薦! |

作為獨立的保險經紀人,幸運保險代理多家公司的財產、責任、醫療、人壽等保險業務; 提供保單申請、後續變更、協助帳單處理、報損索賠等一體化服務;
- Auto & Truck 汽車及卡車保險
- Motorcycle 摩托車保險
- ATVs 全地形車保險
- RVs 休閒露營車保險
- Watercraft (Boats, yachts, skis, etc) 船隻類保險(船舶, 遊艇, 摩托艇等保險)
- Motor Home 露營房車保险
- Homeowners (Primary & Secondary Home) 房主保險
- Condominium Unit-Owner 公寓住宅房主保险
- Tenants (Renter’s) 租戶保險
- Rental Property (Dwelling Fire) 出租房屋保险
- Vacant Dwelling空置住宅保险
- Mobile Home 臨時性住房房主保險
- Rehab Property, or Reconstruction 改建房保险
- Builder’s Risk 建筑施工保险
- Valuable Personal Property 贵重物品保险
- Flood 洪水保險
- Umbrella 保險伞
- Life 人壽保險
- Health (Medical) 健康 (醫療) 保險
- Disability 傷殘保險
- Long Term Care 長期護理保險
- Commercial Auto / Fleet 商业汽车 / 车队保险
- Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability 租/借车辆责任险
- Business Owners 企業業主保險
- Condominium Association Master 公寓協會主保險
- Umbrella 商業保險傘
- Commercial Property 商業財產保險
- General Liability 普通責任險
- Professional Liability 專業責任險
- Malpractice 醫療事故責任險
- Special Events Liability 特项活动责任险
- Liquor Liability 酒類責任險
- Worker’s Compensation 員工傷殘賠償
- Flood 洪水保險
- Earthquake 地震保險
- Business Income 經營收入保險
- ental Income Insurance 出租收入保險
- Employee Dishonesty 員工偷盜保險
- Inland Marine 內河資產保險
- Glass & Sign 玻璃及招牌保險
- And Much More 更多
胡杏春 // 幸運保險代理 Xingchun Hu dba Fortune Insurance Agency |
聯繫方式: |
地址: 371 Massachusetts Avenue |
Acton, MA 01720 |
辦公時間: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday ‐ Saturday |
電話: 978-452-7877, 800-920-4885 |
617‐222‐0129 (胡先生手機) |
傳真: 800-380-9608 978-452-2750 |
電子郵箱: xchu@verizon.net |
臉書: Visit us on Facebook: Xingchun Hu DBA Fortune Insurance Agency |
About the Founder:
Mr. Xingchun (Owen) Hu had a bachelor degree in China and a Master of Science degree in U.K.
He started his insurance career as a life and health insurance agent in 1994, and has worked as a life, health, property and casualty broker since 1996.
The agency was established in 2006.
- Arbella Insurance
- Bunker Hill Home Insurance
- Bunker Hill Casualty Insurance
- Commerce Insurance
- Mass Property Insurance
- National Flood Services
- National Grange Mutual
- Norfolk & Dedham Group
- Pilgrim Insurance
- Plymouth Rock Assurance
- Safety Insurance
- Vermont Mutual Insurance
- And More
- Access General Agency
- H.T. Bailey Insurance Group,
- Insurance Innovators Agency of New England, Inc.
- SRL Insurance Center Special Risks Limited
- The Number One Insurance Agency Inc,
- WIC Insurance Agency Inc